Netbeans, JRE7 and Windows firewall

JRE7 has been released, and a big part of this is support for IPv6.It seems this does not play nice with FTP operations that run via the new Java Runtime.

After updating to JRE7, when you attempt FTP operations within Netbeans (tested on 7.3 RC2), you may see the follow error and failure:

[code]Because NetBeans is running on Windows and JDK 7, you might be facing a problem with FTP operations. Ensure that Windows built-in firewall does not block JDK 7 binaries.[/code]

There are various ways to get around this, but the simpliest is to open a CMD window as administrator and simply enter this command:

[code]netsh advfirewall set global StatefulFTP disable[/code]

You should get a confirmation “Ok.” from the console. In which case you can head over to Netbeans and try the FTP operation from scratch again.